I have made hundreds of pillowcases over the years.
I have used them as gift wrapping. Quilt bags.
Wedding Gifts. Birthday Party favors.
Really a token of love.
This November, my middle son turned 29.
He called a couple of weeks before his birthday, and told me
all he really wanted was a few new pillowcases.
We have collected pillowcases for many causes.
To me they offer comfort, as well as make a little cheerful statement.
When I heard of the ultimate tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School,
I knew I needed to do something.
Pillowcases came to mind.
Yesterday, I learned of a Quilt Shop in Milford, CT
They are collecting Children's Pillowcases.
Bright, Happy, Sports, anything fun, non holiday.
I will package up any that are donated to the shop, and send them out on January 2.
I hope that you will be generous with your donations.
These children all deserve to have sweet dreams again.
xo j