Monday, June 18, 2012


The wait is almost over. The 2012 Western Washington Quilt Shop Hop starts this Wednesday.

We have posters for sale,


Our packets a made,

our little 'starter' house is on display,

  we have bolts and bolts of fabric waiting for you,

we are cutting half yards and making Fat Quarter Towers!

Now all we need is you, our favorite customers!

We have had so many great comments on the fabric this year.  The winter birds are really beautiful!
You still have time to preorder your fabric, and then you can pick it up from us while you are hopping!  Just don't wait to long.  We don't want any of our customers to be disappointed!

to go to the Shop Hop web page.  You can download your passport, get the new grid chart, see the hours,
addresses and any updates.

This year the Tri County Quilt Shops are having a scavenger hunt.  Eleven shops, eleven clues,  find them all and be entered to win one of 3 baskets of quilting prizes!! Pick up your map from any of the Tri County shops.

This is always a fun event!  We can't wait to see you hopping in to see us.  J

1 comment:

Claudis Nähfüßchen said...

A fantastic Quilt! At this time I sew the shop hop 2009 (a gift fro´m my daughther during her au-pair time) - but in the next year i will start the sop hop 2013!
Best wishes and happy quilting